Getting Started!-St Paul, MN USA
Getting started is not that easy when I should be packing for our vacation in Mexico. Blogs are supposed to be easy; why, then, is it difficult for me to design this one? Perhaps it's because I am about three days behind schedule, and instead of moving along with dispatch, I am blogging. Not really blogging---yet, but trying to start it.
Getting started with something like this is almost always many to pick a to handle the instructions...what to share, and what not to. I think you've done a fine job...jan
thrilled here because I found 21 posts this morning on our Harper Blackboard discussion board in resposne to my question-of-the-week...good, thoughtful posts...all done last night. Other posts had been up previously. Nice to have classes this far into the semester that are eager and enthusiastically participating!
About to use this morning's paper re a cat crisis in nearby town to fashion an Argument activity for the 3:50 class...a 74-year-old is trapping cats in her mobile home park & taking them to shelter vs. animal control, who says her feeding them is increasing the population. She faces potential jail time. But the county took 400 feral cats out of there in 2005.
Dear Students: Welcome to Argument: our next essay project...
Seriously, as one who packs at the last moment and has even had neighbors volunteer to pack me (the 1997 first and last...they vicariously experienced, so they said) I thoroughly understand. A month in Mexico with Jim at your side sounds heavenly! Happy belated anniversary again, and may all your travels be delightfully wonderful. jan, who will be anon.
due to site-access problems otherwise.
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